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Gay Blau


Gay Blau

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   Pastor Gay Blau has served Zion UMC since June 2020. Her husband Matt is also a pastor and he serves at Arlington UMC. While they preach in separate congregations on Sunday mornings, they can often be found teaming up in a variety of ministry activities . They have 4 adult children and 2 teenage grandchildren. They have also raised foster children. 

  Pastor Gay grew up in Kane, Pennsylvania and asked Christ into her heart as a pre-teen. From there, her love for the Lord just kept growing! While in High School she felt the call to become a pastor and pursued this call while receiving a BA in Spanish and Religion from Grove City College, Grove City, Pa.; and a Master's Of Divinity from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.  She has a desire to help all who are seeking Christ to find the purpose and peace that only he offers.  Her heart goes out to the young and the marginalized of society. Believing that once the Holy Spirit takes hold of a person's life, they can't be a Christian who sits still;  she continually works to involve individuals and the congregation in meaningful service to others in the name of Christ.